What We Do

We provide our Expert Services in Repairs, Rehabilitation, Strengthening & Retrofitting to any type of Civil Engineering Structures.

Come with any type of Distress to the Structures and we have Structural Rehabilitation solution for it.

We can broadly classify our services in three categories.



1. Investigate the Nature of Distresses, Defects by Preliminary, Detailed Inspection, Carrying Non Destructive Tests, Load Tests (where required) to assess the Capacity of the Structure.

2. Suggest suitable scheme to Repair, Rehabilitate, Strengthen & Retrofit the Structure by Suggesting Technically sound & Economically Feasible remedial measures.

Repairs & Rehabilitation

1) Lifting of Span & Replacement of Old Bearings by New Bearings.
2) Repairs, Rehabilitation & Strengthening of Superstructure (Balanced Cantilever Span, Continuous Spans & Simply supported spans) by Providing External Prestressing cables to compensate for loss in prestress of existing cables.
3) Strengthening of Superstructure, Sub structure by providing Jacketing by Concrete, Micro Concrete, Carbon Laminates & Carbon Wrapping.
4) Repairs by Polymer Modified Mortar, Polymer Modified Concrete, Epoxy Mortar, Epoxy Grouting, Non Shrink Cementitious Grout, Micro Concrete
5) Protection of Carbonated Concrete by Protective Epoxy, Polymer, Anti Carbonation Coatings.
6) Underwater Inspection & Repairs.

Testing & Instrumentation

Providing Services for carrying out Non-Destructive Tests like

a) Ultrasound Pulse Velocity Test

b) Schmidt Hammer Test

c) Half Cell Potential Test

d) Carbonation Test

We also carry out Load Tests of the Bridge to Assess the Present Capacity & Rating of the Structure. Core Testing to Correlate the compressive strength of concrete along with Non Destructive Tests To Assess, Study & to Determine the Loss of Pre-stress in the Existing Pre-stressed Cables in the structure by Measuring & Evaluating Load Deflection Measurements. To carry out Instrumentation to Measure Strains Produced in the Concrete during External Pre-stressing of Structures